Today, at the start of the new year, we have the most amazing news to report.
#1: Dear friends of ours generously donated $1,000. By any standards, that's a lot of money. In their words, they realized how much more that means to a family like Muia's than anything that it represents for us here in America. The money can completely uproot them from their dire circumstances and give them hope for the future. Thank you Jeff and Andrea for the love and compassion you've always shown and are showing now with your generosity!!
#2: Peg is off her boot and had her left shoe on for the first time since the injury. As you can imagine, it felt weird and she's still walking gingerly with a brace. But that didn't stop her from going to the gym and putting in some on the bike and elliptical. She's determined to run (or at least walk) the marathon this year. Soon, she hopes to be able to begin training on the roads again with Cindy. Please keep them in your prayers.
Friends, we're so encouraged. Both of these updates add to our certainty that this will happen. Together, we WILL have enough to acquire a home for Muia's family and completely change their lives for the better.
Praise God and thank you all for your continued support and prayers. Happy New Year, indeed!