Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thank you Mr. Allen!

Luke came home proudly holding a five dollar bill.  By his excitement, I knew something special had happened.  Not a moment after I got off the phone, he exclaimed, "Mr. Allen [our neighbor] wants to give this to Muia!"  Earlier in the day, Luke had decided to donate $26 of his own money toward Muia.  But that wasn't enough.  He wanted to everyone he came in contact with to know Muia's needs.  He went on a couple of games he plays and posted to his "clan" encouraging them to "google miles for muia."  Back in the real (as opposed to virtual) world, he made flyers that he wanted to post around the neighborhood.  It was while putting up flyers that he got to share Muia's story with "Mr. Allen."

He caused me to be proud and humbled at the same time.  As a father, few things bring me greater joy than knowing that he's grown into such a selfless and generous boy.  For myself, I'm humbled knowing that I lack his boldness in sharing this opportunity with people.

If anyone's interested in supporting Muia financially, tax-deductible donations can be made here: http://grouprev.com/milesformuia.  Thank you, as always, for your continued prayers and support.

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