Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fundraising Progress

As I'd reported here (, we had an amazing outpouring of support for Muia's family at church last Sunday.  And now....the numbers are in.

[Cue drumroll....]

We have now $5,629 toward the goal of $8,500.  Even as I look at the tally and check each of the names and amounts, I have a hard time believing the total.  Much of that total was from members of Valley Christian Church but there we also received surprise contributions from San Diego, Palos Verdes, Sierra Madre and even from as far as away as Virginia.  I say surprise, but, to be honest, every single donation comes as a surprise.  I wish I could fully convey how encouraging and inspiring it is to witness such an outpouring of faith we've seen in the people's responses.

In my study time this morning, I read:
The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God loves  a cheerful giver....For the ministry of this service  is not only supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing in many acts of thanksgiving to God.
2 Co 9:6–7,12

Thank you all for your support and continued prayers.  May God be glorified "in many acts of thanksgiving"!  We're 2/3 of the way there....please pass the word so the blessings may continue to abound.

Miles for Muia Video

Here's a video that we shared with our church last Sunday, Feb. 16th.  Please feel free to pass it along.

To support Muia and his Family:
To find out more about Tumaini:

Thursday, February 20, 2014

20 Mile Training

Last Friday, we watched Spirit of the Marathon, which is a documentary that followed runners preparing for the Chicago marathon.  I think Peggy and Cindy found comfort in knowing that they're not alone in our struggles, doubts and feelings.  Several people interviewed remarked that the marathon is the ultimate test of the human will and and of our bodies.  Whether you're a record holder or a novice, there comes a point when you hit wall and at which you must push through.

Yesterday, Cindy and Peggy ran 20 miles.  Each had a number of reasons why they shouldn't have run or shouldn't have finished.  They pushed through and they did finish.  It certainly wasn't easy.  It wasn't by sheer will, rather it is by faith.  By faith they responded to a need; and by faith, they have been equipped.

Please continue to pray for these two awesome ladies as the marathon nears (2.5 weeks!).

If you are interested in donating to support Muia and his family, for whom they're running, please click here.

Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyRide

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valley Christian Church: Overflowing Blessings

Yesterday, during our Sunday services, we "spotlighted" Miles for Muia, which included an 8-minute video (which will be shared shortly) and invited people to find out more after each service.

The response was overwhelming.  After each service, the tables were crowded with people wanting to know how they can help.  By the end of the day, more than 45 people/families (that we know of) had signed up to help, many of whom gave us money on the spot.  Many others just handed us cash as they walked by.  (For those who aren't familiar, Valley isn't a large church.  On a typical Sunday, we may have 300 people between the two services.)

The Valley family has, again and again, proven their faithfulness to His calling and been generous with His gifts.  But it would have been unfair to expect too much of them.  Had I dared to form an expectation, I'm sure it wouldn't have been this great.  Once again, I underestimated God's and His people's faithfulness.

Each response was special and touching but, I couldn't help but to be affected by some more than others.  There's the girl who donated $2.60 - she will not be denied the opportunity to help this family across the world.  Then there's the man who handed over a crisp $100 bill and asked for no acknowledgement. I was told of a woman who left the service in tears and felt compelled to give $400, in faith.  Or maybe it was the couple who had just made a large donation to support the youth at our church and committed to donate another large donation for Muia's family.

In the end, each name on the list of contributors meant something special.  Each person responded in love to God for this family they've never met.  In the end, it wasn't the number of dollars that overwhelmed me.  What humbled me was the realization that we put out a call for help and the church responded so resoundingly, "Here we are!"
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isa 6:8)
NOTE: We are confirming the contributions collected and committed (some pledged and will provide the money at a later date).  Based on the contributions we in hand, we may already have enough to look into purchasing the land.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Status Update (26 Days to go)

With 25 days to go until the marathon, here's the current status:
  1. 283 miles run in training
  2. 20 financial donors
  3. $3,021 donated (36% of Goal)
  4. 146 "likes" in Facebook
  5. One broken bone
  6. Countless prayers

Monday, February 10, 2014

Course Route

Yesterday, we drove the marathon route. Starting from Dodger Stadium, we then headed through Chinatown, by Olvera Street, passed Little Tokyo, connected to Sunset through Hollywood, through Beverly Hills (via Rodeo Drive), passed the VA Hospital in Westwood, then finished down San Vicente to Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica. Here's the course map if you're interested:

Driving the route was helpful to Peggy and Cindy even if some of the hills seemed overwhelming. But knowing that they have the final stretch, which is mostly downhill over the last three miles should help to get them over the humps.

Mike and Rick now have a better idea of where we can plan to meet up with the ladies to encourage and exchange supplies. Less than 4 weeks until the race!

It's a looooooooong distance no matter how you look at it.  But by God's grace and strength, Cindy and Peggy are going to do it!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

16 Miles!

Yesterday, 2/1/14, Cindy and Peggy ran 16 miles.  We had used a handy site ( to pick out a route based on distance (16 miles) and elevation (minimal, in this case, ~119 feet).  It wasn't until we drove out to the starting point for the route that we realized just how far 16 miles is.  Thankfully, the weather was beautiful (60 F with a slight breeze) and the route along the Santa Ana river was almost perfect.

Aside from some discomfort in their legs (I mean, who wouldn't have discomfort!?!), they did marvelously.  Now, a day later, they feel great.  We're all greatly encouraged as they get closer to the marathon in both time and distance.

Here are a couple of pictures:

Create Maps or search from 80 million at MapMyRide
To get an idea of the route in 3D (thanks to Google Earth!)