Wednesday, March 5, 2014

YOU Did It!!!

You have all reached the goal!!!  In fact, you blew right past it.  We currently sit at $9,047 raised, which doesn't count money that had been pledged but not yet paid.

If you sense a lack of emotion in this post, it's because I'm still dumbstruck.  We actually reached the goal on Sunday but I'd held off on posting so that we could, 1) Confirm the totals, and 2) Notify Dr. Stanley and Rose in person, which we were able to do last night.

Now, Tumaini has the "good problem" of determining how best to use the additional funds.  As Dr. Stanley shared with us last night, one of Tumaini's preferences is to invest in more sustainable solutions.  In this case, that may mean helping the family to start a crop or with some livestock.  Or, perhaps the mother and/or older children will receive vocational training.  The staff in Tumaini will assess the family's situation and determine the best course of action.

Please continue to check back here (blog or Facebook) for further updates.  This has never been just about raising funds.  Through this money, a family will be saved and their lives transformed forever.  We plan to provide updates at least until the family is settled in their new home.  For all of your contributions and prayers, that's the least you should expect and what we hope to provide.

This coming Sunday is the Marathon.  Please pray for Cindy and Peggy as they complete this task!